Our Life is an Altar
The Mother has always been to me the Incarnation, the direct embodiment of the ultimate absolute Consciousness and Being. At a time of life when I was desperately seeking a meaning in life, I met Her and the moment I saw Her truly speaking all my problems were solved forever.
The Lord and His Shakti
One might say that the Divine Power is working very strongly in the world for creating unity and putting a pressure on the most recalcitrant elements, which refuse the essential Oneness.
Thy Will be done
One thing which has always overwhelmingly surprised me is the birth of a huge tree from a tiny grain. We take the fact as quite natural. To me it is the most mysterious miracle.
One choice only
There is only one choice left to us when nothing in the world can help us – to turn to the Divine Mother and Her infinite Grace.
There are some great moments in life.
One such moment is when we become aware how helpless we are, how utterly meaningless is our life, how helpless is man, how he is absolutely nothing, nothing. Hardly anybody knows his tomorrow, the next moment.
Self-annihilation in the Divine
We feel the need of an integral surrender to the Divine Mother in order to emerge into the truth of the divine consciousness. Our mind must be silent, not running in habitual circles of our plans and projects.
The whole earth is the Ashram of the Mother.
Everything is exclusively under Her direction and control, even what seems entirely anti divine. She is within each person and everywhere at the same time, not only as the all pervading Supreme Force-Consciousness, but as a living Person,real, accessible.