L'Âme de Beauté
O Âme de Beauté, sur Toi repose une responsabilité lourde et sans prix. Il y a trop de souffrance trop de violence et cruauté, trop de cœurs brisés et des vies cassées, trop de misère et bassesse dans le monde. Read more
Poem - The Kiln of God
Let the Mother enter your life like a swift river
And let Her wash away
All your human belongings and attachments
And many coats of old varnish
And gradually release
The Godhead imprisoned in the mud.
Have confidence in the Mother.
Her least gesture, Her insignificant glance
Are acts of supreme Benediction.
We must allow Her to build in us Her Temple
By removing brick by brick the old human structure
And replacing them with new bricks
From the Kiln of God
Niranjan Guha Roy
The Inner Attitude of Surrender
What is most important is the development of that inner attitude of surrender. True surrender is a state of consciousness - it does not mean that all our efforts and struggles are over and we work on the red carpet. It is a fundamental state of confidence in the Divine and an unconditional loyalty and faithfulness to the Divine, an anxious loving willingness to collaborate with the Divine and do only His Will. It is an awareness that the whole existence is a single movement, a single plan and project of the Divine's own manifestation. Whatever is permitted to happen only happens because that is seen as the necessary step in His all-wise vision. It is not so much important the work we do for our work will be completely decided by our inner inclinations, general propensities, and developing capacities and faculties. It is the attitude of the God-Lover, attitude of the faithful soldier to the Supreme Queen, attitude of the devoted disciple towards the supremely benevolent teacher, master, father, guide and friend. We should not rely on our own capacity and own strength - which is finally zero - but ask that Infinite, that Eternal, that unique Power, Mother to help us, to shape us, to remold us in her vision, for her service and her utility. Seen in this way by realising our non-existence, face to face with the Eternal and his Eternity, the Infinite with His infinity, the state of surrender becomes possible and real. The more we give ourselves to the Divine, the more we are possessed by his light, peace, joy, consciousness, and his mysterious. tangible Presence.
This is the work. The rest has no value if that cannot be a means for arriving at this realisation. When we undertake any work with this attitude, the work will be given to us and her guidance and love and presence will be undeniably always with us. The surrender is extremely difficult to achieve with the mind. To become simple, humble, throw away all pride. To be sincere, full of love and dignity for her sake and for Her. To forget the animal, forget even the humanity in us, in all. Just to be ready at every moment to fulfill her least desire, to be at her beck and call with a total self-forgetfulness, to love Her so that her interest and your interest have become identical, same, indivisible in love. This is the crown promised to us through playing with the Eternal Mother, living in her unveiled presence and radiance.
Niranjan Guha Roy
Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1977