The psychic beings and the islands of Light
The mass of humanity remains plunged in painful ignorance and obsolete religions and tribal conflicts.
Men of goodwill have come to the summit of intellectual effort and material development and are unable to create peace, harmony and unity in themselves , in the community and the country or the world. The mental man is facing an evolutionary impasse or challenge.
The supramental is a consciousness of the One and of a Totality infinitely multiple. For its fuller manifestation, it needs a global vast foundation, a new humanity. The ordinary man has to become conscious of the divine goal in the earth evolution
There is active now in the earth atmosphere a supreme divine power and consciousness made dynamic here by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Avatars of the supramental Creation on earth. . The psychic entity is present in all human beings in a very rudimentory stage. This is the immortal element in man which when fully developped aspires for the Divine, His light, peace, harmony, love and unity in the world
.Happily in the humanity there is a small minority of beings who have a well formed psychic entity in them. These beings will in course of time assemble here and there and create islands of divine light, power, harmony, love and unity. These islands of light, as they will blossom and grow in number will gradually eliminate all disharmony, all violence, cruelty, conflict and intolerance from the human society. Not the growth of intellectual capacity but the inner soul where resides the Supreme Divinity must be the sole aim of all education for creating a divine world of peace, harmony, love and beauty.
Om namo Bhagavate
Om Douce Mère, Om Sri Aurobindo
Pranam, pranam, pranam
N.Guha Roy 2000
Surrender and collaboration with the Divine
How can we from our side collaborate with the Mother so that She can gradually shape, mould and build the image of Godhead in us, in her perfect vision and power? At the moment in our ignorance with all the goodwill we try to become at best what She wants us to become, but we forget that wee not the Creator or creators, we are a creation. How can a glass decide what color, shape, utility or qualities it will have. It is absurd. It is the Divine Mother who is preparing strong cups which can hold the Divine nectar without breaking down. We have to remind ourselves constantly that we are creations.
One day by the Grace of God when we shall become conscious that we are going to be one day a gnostic being, not by our own power but by the shaping hand of the supreame creative Force, then only a new life will begin. A life free from ego. We will have no separate existence or power or work. We are instruments for Her use. This is the state of liberation we must seek at all costs. This is the sense of total surrender to the Mother Divine so that nothing is us shall resist Her shaping hands. The Supreme Musician will play his marvelous rhapsody on a stradivarius of his own creation. The fulfilment of the violin would be intolerable ecstasy when being played by the Master Musician. Let our surrender be as complete as possible.
May we be conscious that there is no one else here or anywhere, nothing else but the supreme creative power of the One May we live always in Her, by her and for Her delight.*
N. Guha Roy 2004
15 August Sri Aurobindo
Abandoning all dharmas take refuge in Me alone
Om Sri Aurobindo saranam mama
Pranam, pranam, pranam
Prayer : the most direct method to bring out the psychic being

This battle between the outer unconscious mental vital being and the emerging psychic personality, non-stop day and night is very real and extremely painful to the physical being. There is no suffering in the psychic being. It is the representative of the Divine, His light, Power and immortal Bliss. The immortal soul in us all takes delight in each and every experience in life. But our physical being, mind,life and body are not aware of the soul deep within us.
Prayer to my experience is perhaps the most direct method of bringing out the psychic from our hidden depths to the forefront of our life. The Mother Divine who resides in our soul will reveal Herself more and more and take up our effort and yoga and take us over the frontier into Her domain vast and luminous where sorrows, suffering and death and separation have no entry.
Even in a fragile perishable body we will enjoy our true immortal existence and the Bliss of the Eternal.
Niranjan Guha Roy
The Islands of Light

Men of goodwill have come to the summit of intellectual effort and material development. They are unable to create peace, harmony and unity in themselves, in the community and the country or the world. The mental man is facing an evolutionary impasse or challenge. There is active now in the earth atmosphere a supreme divine Power and Consciousness made dynamic here by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Avatars of the supramental Creation on earth.
Happily in the humanity there is a small minority of beings who have a well formed psychic entity in them. This psychic entity is present in all human beings in a very rudimentory stage. This is the immortal element in man which, when fully developped, aspires for the Divine, His light, peace, harmony, love and unity in the world. These beings will in course of time assemble here and there and create islands of divine light, power, harmony, love and unity. These islands of light, as they will blossom and grow in number will gradually eliminate all disharmony, all violence, cruelty, conflict and intolerance from the human society. Not the growth of intellectual capacity but the inner soul where resides the Supreme Divinity must be the sole aim of all education for creating a divine world of peace, harmony, love and beauty.
Om namo bhagavate. Om Douce Mère, Om sri Aurobindo
Pranam, pranaml, pranam
N.Guha Roy 2000