The Mother is the Golden Bridge

The Mother is the Golden Bridge between the Supreme and the soul of man. She came down in an earthly body as the incarnate word of God. She manifested in a frail human body some absolute Power of God.

Every second of her existence has taken the earth light years ahead in its evolution. She has prepared the earth for an inconceivable divine transformation. Her physical form was a point of concentration of the infinite original consciousness which She is eternally. Every moment of her life has been a ceaseless terrible struggle and a fierce painful battle against the formidable powers which rule the earth-nature since the creation in order to lay the foundation of a divine life on earth. Every word She has expressed is a priceless gift of the Supreme to man and earth.
Although now She is no longer present in her body, She is always present everywhere for there is nothing else except Her anywhere. When we are sincere, when we are simple, when we love Her truly, then we become aware of her presence, her tenderness, her help and guidance. To read her books is to communicate with the absolute wisdom. To look at her face in a photo and specially to look into her eyes is to enter into the fathomless heart of divine love. We feel then her all-comprehending sweetness and compassion. No one anywhere can ever give us so profound and lasting satisfaction as when we are with Her. She is so utterly good to everyone without exception that each soul feels fulfilled in her presence.

Love of truth, beauty and harmony will inevitably lead us to the secret Temple in the heart where She is forever installed, in all her glory, her hand always outstretched in the act of blessing. Our little life and existence is no better than the life of a firefly. If we can annul ourselves totally, realise our absolute nothingness then we are admitted into the resplendent vision of the One, the eternal Mother Divine. Verily, all is that Supreme Reality. We become dumb before that supernal Mystery.

O Mother Divine remain bright in my soul, become brighter in my consciousness so that I see only You and no one else.
May we become whatever You want us to be for You always work for our highest good.
May we remember You in every breath of our life for that brings the sweetest intimacy, the silent ecstasy, Om, Om Supreme Goodness.

Niranjan Guha Roy


The best attitude for yoga: a glad surrender

There is often confusion or wrong conceptions in our first approach to the yoga, our search for the Divine, then our path could be very uncertain, very mixed, dangerous and even frustrating.

Why do we want to do the yoga? Is it from some vital, physical or mental motive? Is it for the realisation of some personal dream, some, ambition, even some sublime altruistic aim? Is it for my material well-being, protection and happiness for me and for my family and my country or the world? Why do I want the Divine, what is my aim? Is it the acquisition of power over elemental forces, people, the world? None of these aims qualify one to do the yoga. The noblest and truest aim of the yoga is the irresistible attraction that one feels somewhere deep in oneself, an attraction for the Mystery, for the Origin, the Source of our existence, God, the Eternal, the Mother who calls us from beyond, a call so irresistible that no price is too high to pay, no attachment too great to break, no undertaking too heavy to undertake. We are ready to do anything and everything, whatever is required from us, however long the journey might be, however difficult and dangerous the path might be. We feel the irresistible urge to leave behind everything, to follow blindly, joyously the supreme Piper of Hameline. Then, we are sure to reach Him. Unless we have heard his call, the strains of his flute playing his music; unless we have felt his intoxication, that mysterious call which goes out to the explorers for the adventures, for the fathomless Infinities; unless we have had a glimpse of his ravishingly beautiful face and limbs molded from the substance of delight; unless we have heard his voice which takes away all smug peace , his command, which is a persecution and a frightful torment unless executed; unless the Eternal has touched us with his magic wand, we cannot be awakened, we cannot pursue the path. So, for this yoga, one has to be absolutely sure that one has been called, that one is predestined, that one has eventually no other work, no other commitment, no other duty except to follow the yoga, to serve the Divine, to become a simple and pure instrument. This must be the goal, whether achieved in a short time, or even in a few lifetimes. Unless one can take this attitude, or more correctly one has this attitude, one cannot be called fit for this yoga.

But if one has even in the smallest degree the aspiration to belong to the Divine, to obey and serve the Divine, to surrender to Him his life and works, his past, present and future, a willingness to be broken and gradually remolded by his vision and power, a yearning to be close to Him, to live in his Presence, to serve and love Him, to possess nothing, to be nothing, then also is justified the undertaking of the yoga - for the little submerged aspiration will grow with the true attitude, a glowing fire of self-sacrifice.

The path of yoga is extremely difficult and dangerous because all the established world forces in this world or in invisible worlds are against the divine realisation, for it means the end of their domination and sovereignty; but if one has the true call and the right attitude, then the absolute Divine protection is with us, his love and guidance and above all his joy. Not that the battles, the encounters or prolonged wars would be completely eliminated, but they will be more as adventures as the odyssey of the soul in company with the Creator, the Divine, the Mother. This right attitude is so important in this yoga that we have to constantly re-establish it in various parts of our being until finally our whole being would be in a state of glad surrender and total submission to the Divine. We must have patience for it is a long and difficult work

The Success is for the one who can endure says the Mother

Niranjan Guha Roy


simplicity and the spiritual path

In India, in our spiritual tradition, the highest qualification we give to a person is when we call him " simple " , meaning without any complication whatsoever. This is the aim of yoga

To be simple, absolutely simple without any division, confusion or conflict in the being, when all our thoughts and emotions, our acts and sensations, all our existence inner and outer are unified around the Divine in us, moved, activated, sustained and transformed by the Divine. This too is the whole evolutionary effort.

The process of ordinary evolution may take very, very long to arrive at this simplicity, this unity. Through yoga one goes through the process in a short time. It is the soul who chooses to do the yoga but often the physical being is unhappy and disturbed by the choice of the soul. In most cases man tries to stiffle the urge of the soul. Our suffering comes mainly from the resistance we offer to the call and the demand and the aspiration of the soul. In the measure the various parts of our being learn to collaborate with the soul, are illumined by the inner light and begin to feel a deeper joy, a beauty and harmony, our sufferings diminishe, conflicts and confusions cease and there is a greater unity in the being, a greater peace . Gradually we enter in a new cvonsciousness which is far removed even from the most brilliant human consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness is irreal to ordinary human consciousness. The spiritual growth gradually takes us away from the human life, from the human race as such. Human things start having more and more a sense of illusion and we lose interest in them, prefering the exploration of the vast, luminous, illimitable life open to us. Then arrives the time in our development when the inner growth is so strong that our soul strongly rejects its bond with the human world. Once the fire has been lit , it cannot be extinguished any more. Once one has boarded the ship of the spiritual destiny the voyage shall continue.

We should consider ourselves fortunate for having chosen this path. We should not fix conditions for our growth and demand even to know where we are going. We have to leave more and more the direction of our life to the transforming power of the Grace. Only the love of truth, beauty , harmony and the Divine should be the highest and noblest guiding principle of our life. The Divine  in his infinite wisdom will create circumstances favorable to the growth of consciousness. Let us depend on Him alone with faith.

Niranjan Guha Roy


Panting : Prayer for the animals

Prayer to the Grace of the Mother for our faithful friends

Niranjan Guha Roy

The emergence of the psychic being

The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the yoga of the future, is based on the emergence of the psychic being.
As soon as the psychic being comes out even so little
He brings with him the love or rather the adoration for the Supreme and his incarnations.
This love-adoration is part of the very substance of the psychic being.
Not to feel that love is a sure sign that the psychic being has not yet emerged.
It will come in time as it is the destiny of everyone.

Niranjan Guha Roy