Sunrise of the new world

Sunset of the old world and sunrise of the new meet in a crimson glow.

The gigantic unsinkable ship is slowly sliding into an incurable amnesia.
Farewell, farewell to all that has been, thrice welcome to all that is to come.
The imperial new world of immortal felicity is still a submerged island
Rising everyday by inches , lighting up aspiring souls with hidden rapture.

Sing a requiem for the dying and a hymn of gratitude for the infant Godhead.
The wheel of Destiny takes the earth far away from the crowded lanes on sea,
In an unprecedented adventure to lands unexplored of bliss and beauty.

N.Guha Roy

Open wide the locked doors of your soul

Look in your soul, you lived thousand lives in the past.
Since ages, you have crossed all the countries, all the oceans.
Your journey is a fantastic epic.
You knew so many mothers, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours, finally the whole earth.

Go back with courage on the river towards your original Source,
You will find your brothers and sisters in all levels of the sea.

You carry in your soul the sacred fire, the creative Force, the divine Mother.
Open wide the locked doors of your soul.

Only the divine Love can heal the world
And establish peace and lasting harmony,
The kingdom of God on earth.

Discover your soul and your true relationship with the whole creation.
The sea is your cradle, the earth your playground, the humanity your great family.

Closed borders do not exist any more for a pure soul.
Turn your gaze to your soul, the divine Love will flood your body and your spirit,
Your island and all the continents.

Open wide all the locked doors of your confined soul

Let us leave our fate between the hands of the Divine


N.Guha Roy

The compact Totality

I have become intensely aware of a Reality, the One.
Compact totality where everything exists eternally, immortal.
Individual, identical, one with all in essence, part of the One.

There is no distance, there is no death, loss or separation.
Each one is That who is the eternal Actor, the conscious being in all.
Unaffected by the play, undiminished, ever pure, always whole and integral, in movement ,
An unending Lila of self discovery , of self manifestation in infinite roles.

This is the Permanent, the adobe of truth, the divine Reality.
Beyond the clasp of time, division and suffering

Even time and space have a completely different significance.
Through any point in space, one emerges into infinity,
The point itself being infinite,
The whole of Infinity too is a point.

The past extends in a huge retrograde movement and emerges in the future,
The future curves into the past through a vast movement in time.
The present is an eternel unfading immobile scene of action
Of a vast infinite eternal Consciousness of being.

It is a seed, yet the tree,
The ocean yet the stray droplet of water,
The ray yet the whole sun
One single million hued Felicity inaccessible to the words
Yet a luminously vibrant Existence of unfathomable mystery.

That, That alone is the Reality

To Thee , O mysterious Presence, our heart's gratitude.


Niranjan Guha Roy 1967

Sri Aurobindo - 15 August

Sri Aurobindo
Many are touched by Thy prophetic vision,
Many are inspired by Thy passion for the Reality,
Blessed are they who worship Thee
As the Master, Friend and Guide,
Twice blessed the few who perceive
The Lord incarnate in Thee.

But to me Thou art also
The timeless Sadhack of the Eternal Shakti.
Thou art one with Her
Like the crimson aspiration with the early morning.

May we become even as Thou art,
Timeless sadhaks of the Eternal Shakti.


Om Namo Bhagavate
Om Sri Aurobindo saranam mama
Pranam, pranam, pranam.
Our gratitude, our salutations