Faith in the Divine Mother
The yoga given to us by Sri Aurobindo is exceptionally difficult but in the end, most satisfying as it makes the Divine absolutely real and concrete to our normal consciousness. Read more
The pure Spirit
The Isha Upanishad says that all the forms animate or inanimate, all the worlds are habitations of the Lord, the Supreme, the Immanent Divine. Read more
The working of the supramental on earth
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have introduced the Supramental in the earth evolution. It is a luminous divine Power of essential Unity based on love and Knowledge far beyond the obscure ignorant ego-driven divided mental consciousness.
The travel of the soul
Born from the ashes of a flaming sphere, our beginning is microscopic, hardly visible, miserable.
The true vision
In the true vision, this world, our earth is a field of progressive manifestation of the Divine, the Absolute, accomplished, realized by the Divine Shakti, the Supreme Mother Power.
about transformation
Outward changes come in answer to our deeper aspirations of which one may be conscious even in a faint way.
The window of the soul
It has become to me a constant poetic experience to see and feel one infinite eternal consciousness and Being penetrating everything in existence, forming the substance of everything in existence in physical and subtle domains.
The blank page
In the last few days, I have been questioning even my highest aspiration. I found there was a possibility of error even in that aspiration, specially when we think of the aspiration in practical terms of life and work.
souvenirs - Hymn to the Mother Divine
In our search for the Divine we set an ideal of all beauty, absolute felicity, all power and a total knowledge, all these usually combined in some known form of incarnation, or some divine Personality described in the spiritual Scriptures midst legends and traditions.