The divine Pearl
The divine Pearl
One day, I was pleasantly surprised to find a large number of edible mushrooms in the garden. They were really magnificent. What surprised me most was the fact that these wild mushrooms which sprouted in the garden had found the ideal conditions. In other words, if the ideal conditions are fulfilled for achieving what we want to achieve, then the result is inevitable. Read more
The eternal march
Seated in front of the huge screen, I contemplate the living stream of figures, embodied beings walking towards nothingness, each with his basket full of hopes, joyful ephemeral memories, of tears, laughter, friendships, grieves and brief embraces.
The scene crosses slowly the huge screen.Read more
During the last few weeks, I have felt so strongly how our body is constructed almost, one can say, with a perfection for expressing the vital world, all the vital impulses. Our mind is an accomplice of the vital; that is to say, it does everything to realise the vital urge through infinite ways. Our body responds to all the vital suggestions in a spontaneous way and is so much used to these vibrations that if deprived of them, it would rather die than live.Read more
The Light of Intuition
The most difficult thing in the world is to have a true and uncolored opinion and appreciation of oneself, one's capacities, shortcomings, one's desires and even the aspiration. There is always some motive of personal gain or fame or of grandeur or of being admired.Read more
Inward discipline
Equality in the face of suffering, diffculties, discouragement, good fortune and misfortune, praise and insult, friends and enemies is the frst indispensable step towards achieving peace.Read more
spiritual unity of the human race
Only a general spiritual awakening will bring unity of the race. Religion is not the same thing as the practice of yoga.The Yoga is a difficult spiritual discipline of a long sustained effort to discover the eternal Reality, the Source and the Origin.Read more
Poem - The Kiln of God
Let the Mother enter your life like a swift river
And let Her wash away
All your human belongings and attachments
And many coats of old varnish
And gradually release
The Godhead imprisoned in the mud.
Have confidence in the Mother.
Her least gesture, Her insignificant glance
Are acts of supreme Benediction.
We must allow Her to build in us Her Temple
By removing brick by brick the old human structure
And replacing them with new bricks
From the Kiln of God
Niranjan Guha Roy
If we want to build a better world we must do the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and surrender our life, mind, body and soul to the Eternal Mother, Mahashakti.
The Mother is the presiding Spirit.
Sri Aurobindo our vision and inspirationRead more
The inner soul and the physical body
Man is the leader of evolution. on earth, so it seems. But his life is extremely vulnerable as at any moment his life can be cut short by a fatal disease or a sudden accident. Even in course of his normal life he is constantly faced with death, disease and accidents all around him. Read more
The Silence

Knowledge starts in manifestation. There is no need of any knowledge whatsoever in the eternal silence. The form is also ephemeral. There is no finality about it. Silence is the final thing.Read more