Union with the Divine
When through aspiration and by the action of the Grace one enters into a high state of consciousness, one becomes aware of the Divine who is all and beyond all.
To be aware of the Divine
Every time we think of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, we are in touch with the Source, the highest state of consciousness. It is far, far beyond our most sublime ideal of ethics and morality.Read more
How can we best prepare ourselves for the descent of the Mother Divine? If we want to grow roses, what do we do? We must have a garden, not a barren or a wild land.
My God Wonderful
All the bodies are bodies of God,
His mutable forms filled with His immutable Presence.
He is the conscious enjoyer of all forms of existence.
Simplicity and spirituality

In India, in our spiritual tradition, the highest qualification we give to a man or a person is when we call him "simple," meaning without any complication whatsoever. This is the aim of yoga.
Progress, love and surrender
I will tell you a small anecdote from the life of Bouddha. Anand was his main disciple and, by the grace of Boudda, he realised the state of nirvana.
On Peace
The thing most sought after in the world and at the same time the most disliked by men is peace.
The Soul
The soul is neither Indian, nor French, nor dark, nor yellow
It is divine, has no country, no nationality, no religion, no colour.