The Time Spirit
Time shoots forward like an arrow in flight,
Unable to stop, never looing back, burying the dead on all sides,
Not caring for the hordes of lazy laggards and sleepy souls
Unwilling to move forward, unable to remain in the race.
The Red Barren Hills
When the rains come, the red barren hills
In no time become emerald green,
Covered with grass, weeds, plants, flowers and trees.
The mysterious Presence

The sovereign Queen of my dreams, the ever-present Sun in my sky,
That majestic figure, that frame housing the all-mighty Power,
That silvery laughter, that soul-stirring smile,
Prayer to the Mother Divine
Sweet Mother, be my guide day and night.
Take me by the hand across the jungle of desires,
Animal instincts which are trying to eat me up whole.
The Working of the Divine Power
It is a very good sign when one feels a silence in the head. Once it settles down, we will be free from the habitual round of thoughts. In that silence, higher knowledge may come.
Let us sacrifice our humanity
Up till now, that is before the advent of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, only the highest power of the spiritual mind was operative in the earth consciousness. Sri Aurobindo calls it the Overmind.Read more