Hymn to the Secret Spirit
Ever welcome to my kneeling soul and heart in adoration.
O Secret Spirit, subtler than the subtlest as You are,
Yet You have inhabited these fragile earthen frames
To make Yourself tangible, accessible to the soul of man.
You speak through them each word they say.
You pour through them the molten gold of an invisible Sun.
O Secret Spirit,
Before I caught a glimpse of Them, arranged by a lucky accident,
Like a lost tragic one note- cry moaning in the hopeless night
My desolate life was a tedious stretch of a wretched play,
A huge senseless waste, a perpetual gnawing affliction.
Had I not met Them and borne their transmuting gaze,
O Secret Spirit,
I coul never, never have believed
That the Divine is so wonderful, all love and compassion.
Like a passionate moth burning madly for the embrace of the Fire,
How my whole being yearns to be possesesed by His sweetness
Till nothing, nothing shall be left of the sordid amalgam that is myself.
O Secret, merciful Spirit,
In answer to my desperate longing,
You have pressed a tiny concealed spring.
A flow of cleansing waters stream down from the benign peaks,
Melt and purify the petrified filth and gloom of the ages.
My soul now deeply satisfied, a happy one-note hymb of faith
Throbs faintly with gratitude, drowned in the symphony of Grace.
O Secret Spirit,
Penetrating the vast universe beyond,
All its nooks and corners with Your breathing Presence.
Substance of dreams, realities and abysmal mysteries,
From the most luminous high divinities
To the tenebrous God-denying almighties,
You are always the same intimate, nameless Supreme.
I see You, feel and touch You and hear Your voice
Yet You are the strangest of the strangers I have ever met!
Do I exist? It makes me laugh such a ridiculous question.
In Your boundless unbroken, changeless Self-extension
An isotope of an old shatytered atom, pulsating with hope
For the billionth of an undying second that is myself.
No, I do not exist yet this moment is rich and poignant.
O Secret Self,
From You I am born, Your body’s portion
In You I disappear like the exalted sprays falling back
Into the Ocean in suspense.
When I contemplate the endless sacred procession
Of Your fugitive names and faces on the cinerama of Time,
Then, then only I vibrate and my life even insignificant
Glows and burns in ecstasy like a meteor in explosion.
Glory to You, my Friend, Sweetheart, Master, Guide and Queen
Glory to Your messengers, emanations, incarnations
Glory to the earthly bodies filled with the Holy Spirit.
one constant theme, the body and its transformation
As you have noticed, I am changing plans as often as the moon changes its position. But all through, there is one theme, which is constant ‑, the body and its transformation to whatever degree possible by spiritual and material means. Read more
Aspiration, Meditation
There is only the eternal Presence.
The Force pours into the veins, its breath perfumes the house of life,
The light as a river floods the body and the spirit,
Its joy delights our days and nights, makes forget the torments of the pain.
Its consciousness penetrates into the dark and deep layers of our multiple being.
The known earth evaporates in the magnificence of a divine existence.
The suffocated fish endowed with wings flies away in a free sky.
The man compressed by the heavy matter appears dazzled in the eternal Light
O, Mother Divine,
Make of the house of our life Your permanent Home.
May our life be an enormous fire of love for the Divine.
Allow that in all the sounds and noise
I listen only to Your reassuring voice,
I perceive only Your mystic Presence spread as an ocean around me.
I feel only a single vibration inside, outside
You, You, infinitely You

All is quiet within.At last the Spirit in me looks at the Eternal Spirit, relieved.
The veil is cut to ribbons, transparent, as if it never existed.
The huge restless noisy machine driven by an unquiet will
Has fallen asleep apparently and is now only a silent energy,
A smooth flowing current in harmony with million other forces,
All moving willingly, unwillingly, some happy, others struggling,
Driven by a conscious power, to work out even without knowing
The divine plan eternally unfolding for the sheer pleasure
Of some wonderful Creator in search of novelties.
All is quiet within!
meditation - everything is divine
Everything is divine. Everything is You,
There is only You, Lord.
All melts in a vast symphony of love without body,
A hymn of gratitude on the gentle breast
Of the infinite Mother.
May our entire being become the adoring violon, piano or flute
waiting for the swooning touch of the Master.
Lost in the Master, an intolerable ecstasy is our reward.
O mind, be peaceful and spread out to Infinity.
O heart be calm and contain the Ocean of Felicity.
O my poor body, don’t break down or get burnt under the pression of the Heaven.
O the supreme joy of non existence
What a comfort to know that I do not exist
Only That and That alone is forever
Difficulties on the path-There is only one way, not to be afraid.
There is only one way, not to be afraid. To throw away all the good suggestions of human wisdom, all the suggestions of the collective human consciousness, just dive with all your courage into the Divine.Read more
The Hidden Fountain-in a sweet dream I have met a messenger
Who told me the secret of a fountain I carry within myself.
I have to die to myself and all I am, to be reborn.
The cherished trails have to be abandoned without regret.
I must be an incurable optimist in the face of a thousand negations.
I must follow the guiding Hand like a dog on a leash without complaint.
Then only shall I find the hidden fountain in my heart,
And never face thirst again or have to run after barren mirages.
Then I shall pitch my tent, where palm trees, oasis, lakes,
Deep wells, fountains, cities with towers and temple bells
Will envelop me with their music of peace and harmony.
But I must not quit the desert for a remote heaven, griefless.
One by one, more and more will discover the inner Fountain.
Slowly, steadily, not noticed by others,
A noble race, affranchised from thirst, hunger and mirages,
Shall follow new opulent trails.
The deep peace of the desert settles in my soul.
Accompanied by an invisible tangible Presence,
I leave the familiar trail and seek out unfrequented
High plateaus in the hottest unfriendly no-man’s land.
There, far away from the curious and uncaring travelers,
I contemplate my newly won treasure.
A starving soul suddenly surrounded with food unlimited,
A thirsty mouth filled with paradisiacal beverage,
A hopeless loneliness surcharged with mighty Magnificence,
An empty future burdened with auspicious unborn events,
I sit numb with delight not believing my miraculous Fate.
The huge barren unending waste of desert land
Is blotted out by a vision of a blissful, Temple-garden.
A celestial music floats up to me through its wide-open gates.
As a bee enters the core of a flower drawn by its fragrance,
My soul,dancing with light steps enters the flowery Sanctuary.
There I see the sweet Mother radiant on a throne.
Like a child bursting with happiness it can hardly contain,
I throw myself at Her lovely feet.
She laughs and laughs
And the joyous fountain scatters sparkling silver.
The Mother Divine is my unfailing Friend and guardian Power.
My thirst is quenched.
Niranjan Guha Roy -1982
Adi Shakti You came on earth to establish the divine Life
You came on earth to establish
The Divine Life here in the material world.Read more
The Endless Quest - O Friend intimate as Thou art
O Friend, intimate as Thou art, my constant companion,
I can neither give Thee a name nor paint Thy outline
Nor confine Thee in any manifestation.Read more
The mysterious dust
A dry leaf, yesterday it was living, today it is dead. In a week it will be dust and food for many young: plants. And it will reappear as flowers and fruits. It will be transformed into the musing eyes of the poets. Each seed contains a mysterious tree, it branches hides the symphonies of Beethoven.
What is man but, a seed amongst seeds, nourished by the dust, by the earth, his dreams are contained in the petals of rose, in the fragrance of Jasmine, in the green leaves of lettuce and cabbage.
What a marvellous substance this dust. It has been said “ From the dust thou comest, to the dust thou returnest” How true, How wonderful!
This mysterious dust of the stars which contains all the eternity imprisoned in its magical trance. The bodies of the most luminous gods are made from this mysterious dust, which contains all and becomes all. Is there any dust at all anywhere? Isn’t the very substance of the body of the infinite and eternal Mystery whom we call God, the Divine!
Where is death? A living shadow changes into a dreamless sleep of the stardust.
What am I ? A floating dream on a midnight stream.
Am I a failure? How can it be? When I am the deep satisfaction of the yearning rocks to have a body and a mind and a heart and capacity to love and hate, feel and be.
All around me is that marvellous mysterious formless, nameless substance containing all, all that has gone before lies there as beautiful strains of music heard long ago. All that is here at the moment, is an explosion of the hidden beauty and ravishment and all the future lies visibly hidden in the tree like the bud, the flower and the fruit yet unborn. Each speck of that dust contains me a thousandfold. I am this face, I am those dances marvellous arms, I am that senile ol d man throwing his wisdom to all the winds, I am that magnificent godhead of the vision, I am a speck of dust infinitely same as any other grain of dust.
My body falls, my soul is fragmented like the moon on the troubled bosom of the lake.
I am, I do not exist, nor do you, nor he, she or anyone. We are dreams living visionary symbols rising out of the star dust that unnamable basic substance of all the universes in existence or yet to come. Our hells, heavens, passions and yearnings lie forever safe in the magical case of a grain of dust.
A dry leaf falls into dust, rises in the iris of the visionary probing the depth of Eternity and Infinity.