Look in your soul, you lived thousand lives in the past.
Since ages, you have crossed all the countries, all the oceans.
Your journey is a fantastic epic.
You knew so many mothers, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours, finally the whole earth.

Go back with courage on the river towards your original Source,
You will find your brothers and sisters in all levels of the sea.

You carry in your soul the sacred fire, the creative Force, the divine Mother.
Open wide the locked doors of your soul.

Only the divine Love can heal the world
And establish peace and lasting harmony,
The kingdom of God on earth.

Discover your soul and your true relationship with the whole creation.
The sea is your cradle, the earth your playground, the humanity your great family.

Closed borders do not exist any more for a pure soul.
Turn your gaze to your soul, the divine Love will flood your body and your spirit,
Your island and all the continents.

Open wide all the locked doors of your confined soul

Let us leave our fate between the hands of the Divine


N.Guha Roy