O wonder Spirit of beauty, joy and harmony

Asleep in the mystic chamber of the aspiring soul,

Awake and spread wide your peaceful wings

On our warring passions, senseless thoughts and actions

Let our mind be a vast sanctuary  of unbroken felicity

Let our emotions be warm and sustained notes of vibrating strings

.Let our actions be at good times, at odd times, a symphony of solidarity.


O wonder Spirit of beauty, joy and harmony

Strip away our heart, mind, body and soul,

The hard layers of ugly violence, endless cruel suffering

And release the dancing fountains of sparkling song and  laughter.

We are as yet only partly divine even at our greatest summit moments

Waning and waxing like the moon, ever unreliable, inconstant.

The human retreats slowly before the steadily growing Light within.

The age-gold prophetic manifests of the kingdom of God on earth.


O wonder Spirit of beauty

Your active presence is now a reality.

A new muted race still wearing the human face glowing with the psychic Fire

Appears on the horizon to change this nightmare

Into an exquisit radiant dream.